Ok, so Brayden is officially 8 weeks old and I have not even blogged about the story of this birth. He is napping now (yay for naps!) so I am going to try and type what I can, while I can.
On February 24th, Jason & I went to our appt with Dr. Cortese at 6:15PM. It was a funny appt to say the least, but I won't go there right now! The doctor checked me and I FINALLY made some progress, 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced! I had been 1 cm dilated and the cervix was thick since 36 weeks, so hearing this news at 40 weeks +2days past my due date was fabulous! We made another appt for a non-stress test but even the doctor did not think that I would make the next appt.
I called all of my side of the family just to let them know the progress. My lil sister Becky was so funny, we were communicating by text and she was all about calling everybody to tell them i am in labor---I was like, WAIT, I'm not in labor! I spoke to my brother Wayne around 11pm that night and mind you, i was having Braxton Hicks contractions, but really, I had been having them for days so I didn't think that it was a real big deal...Jason and I went to bed, I couldn't sleep, the contractions seemed to be coming pretty often but they weren't overly painful so I just tried to sleep through it...
Around 1:15am, I got up and went downstairs to watch TV, couldn't sleep, was sooooo damn uncomfortable! Headed to the bathroom (mind you I was downstairs and J was upstairs, sleeping). All hell broke loose in the bathroom! I got sick in the trashcan and then i felt this liquid coming out of me (wasn't pee!)...the next thing i know, I went into the most PAINFUL contraction! I was trying to YELL for Jason while at the same time gripping onto the sink just trying to get through the pain. Needless to say, i survived! I cleaned myself up and went upstairs to wake up Jason. I said to him, "We have to start timing these contractions." This was after telling him that i think my water broke and what hell i just experienced downstairs...He was like, "uh, shouldn't we just GO!!?"
After experiencing the false labor at 37 1/2 weeks, wasn't sure if it was the real deal or not, even though this was so much more painful! J called the doc and I was able to talk before I went into another contraction. Dr. White was on-call. She told us to head over to the hospital...Well, this was not my plan. I wanted to at least put my make-up on! Uh, no. I got as far as brushing my teeth, mind you, my contractions were 3 minutes apart (was supposed to call at 5 min apart, must've been 5 min apart hours before, oooops!). So then we are getting ready to head to the hospital and I feel the need to feed Bubba--hey, don't know when we would be back, a turtle has GOT to eat! I then found myself gripping onto the couch where more amniotic fluid decided to let loose!! OK, now we have GOTS TO GO!!!
It was after 2 am by this point and for there to be NO traffic in Marlton, it has to be 2 AM!! I think my contractions were getting closer together by this point. I was having visions of giving birth by the side of the road with J as my doc! YIKES! Love ya hunny, but i enjoyed that epidural WAYYYYY too much!
We got to the ER at Virtua in Voorhees and for some reason I thought i could just walk right in and into the L&D without help. I told J to park the car, I know, what was I thinking??? When I walked in, they asked me if I needed help and I said I was ok. As I walked through the doors I realized what a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNg hallway there was before i even REACHED the elevator to get to L&D! I then went into another contraction and was gripping onto the hand rails, J met up with me at that point, because I didn't get far. I don't even remember the ride in the elevator, such a blur, was in so much pain! When we got up there, I was contracting around every corner it seemed. I had to check in, thank God they got my paperwork that we mailed in, all they needed was my insurance card and I was free! The nurses gave me instructions on putting the belly band on and checking to make sure my fluid was clear when i undressed. Thank God, it was!
The nurses were great! I was BEGGING for an epidural at this time, my contractions were about 2 min apart and just so damn painful. After experiencing this, I don't know how anyone can go natural, but boy, do i give them props---NO THANK YOU!!! I just remember them sticking me and telling me what they were doing, but hell, i did not care at this point--GIVE ME THE EPIDURAL!!! They told me that i have to wait about 15 minutes so they could hydrate me with the IV. I was gripping onto the sides of the bed trying to breathe through the contractions while the nurses kept telling me to try and relax my body bc it will only make it worse. Jason kept telling me I was doing a good job and I could tell he felt pretty helpless seeing me in this much pain. The Anethesiologist came in and asked me a bunch of questions, told him that i have scoliosis and asked if that is going to be a problem. He said it might make it more difficult---GREAT, i am going to feel every rip and tear, (i was thinking!). I didn't even feel the pain of the epidural going in because my contractions were about every minute at this point, I was gripping onto the nurse's scrub jacket, she was so sweet!!!
We arrived at the hospital around 2:30am, got checked close to 4am and I was 4 cm dilated, got checked again at 6am---I was 10 cm dilated and ready to push! Started pushing around 6:25 or so with the help of a male nursing student (so so sweet!) and my wonderful husband and a nurse named, Linda. Brayden was born at 7:28am! 6 total hours from start of labor to birth--a dream of an experience! I would wish this on every woman and especially my sister-in-law who is due in a little over 2 weeks, yay!!
I could not feel ANYTHING with the epidural which was good and bad! They turned it off at one point to see if I could at least feel myself pushing (which by the way, he was out by the time it was wearing off). I requested to have the mirror (yikes, not a pretty sight, but it really helped me with the progress of pushing). It was kind of entertaining because I really couldn't feel my legs and at one point, the nurse had to walk away and get something, totally forgetting that I had NO control and my leg just rolled off the table for a sec! HA!
I needed supplemental oxygen because the baby did not like the position of me being on my back, but once I laid on my side to push, his heart rate would go back to normal. We really thought that I was going to have to deliver on my side by the way he was responding. Jason was too funny, between pushes, he was texting sending updates to family and friends. We wanted to video the birth but since he was "needed" to hold my leg, it was not possible. But at this point, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way, he really helped bring his son into the world by helping me get through the birthing process! Pushing really wore me out, but I am thankful I only had to do it for an hour. I was so lucky to have a short labor for having my first baby!
There came a point when the nurse said, "OK, stop pushing, we have to page Dr. White." I saw her actually place two fingers on his head as if to stop him from coming out. WOW, he wanted OUT! When Dr. White came in, it was 3 pushes and Brayden came into the world. It was so surreal! Brayden was born at 7:28AM on February 25, 2009 (one day shy of my mother's birthday). Dr. White placed him on my chest and he was screaming. I was also hysterical! I started to talk to him and he opened his eyes,looked up at me and calmed down, such a miracle--he recognized my voice! I couldn't believe he was actually here, and...SO HUGE! I am glad I didn't feel his 8 pound body come out of me! Once he was out, I kept thinking, "ok, NOW what do we do??" It's funny how prepared you think you are and then it all goes out the window once the baby is here. Jason and I bonded with him after he was all cleaned up and I was able to start breastfeeding (as requested) within about a half hour or so... Wow, talk about painful. I can see why a lot of mother's give up so soon after the birth, but I really was determined to get through the pain and stick with it. It really does get easier with time (2 months later and still nursing-yay!).
We had some visitors (Mom Pedersen, Curt, Mom, Steve and Nana) and it was such a joy to share our son with them. When Nana was standing over me, I got emotional and said "I wish Dad was here to meet him" and she of course, felt the same way. I miss my Dad so much and find myself dreaming about him often. I know Brayden is safe with my Daddy as his guardian angel, he has done a wonderful job so far :)
With the family we were hanging out waiting to find out how much Brayden weighed (which was on a different floor). It seriously was about 2 hours before we found all this out! When they wheeled me in to the nursery, it still didn't seem real that I had just given birth to a very healthy baby boy, especially seeing a baby in there who was struggling a little bit. I felt so blessed. Brayden Joseph Pedersen weighed in at 8 pounds exactly and 20 1/4 inches long. Whew, glad I didn't go natural! I did have a 2nd degree tear which wasn't bad. Jason said it looked like the doctor was knitting a sweater by the way she was sewing me up (GREAT!!!) When they had to wheel us away so they could do all the testing and keep him under the warmer and such, I felt myself get a little emotional being pulled from him. But I knew I should try and catch up on some rest while I can. Well, that didn't happen. I think Jason and i had gotten about 2-3 hours sleep in 2 days, it was nuts. It was just the start of our sleep deprived life.
Our first night at the hospital was complete hell. Since I was determined to EXCLUSIVELY breast feed, we had the nurse bring the baby in for feedings and at one point we ended up having him rooming in with us for about 6-7 hours. It was a mess! Jason and I were already sleep deprived and it was hot as hell in the room. J couldn't get comfortable in the bed, so that kept me awake. Jason was changing all the diapers because I was in so much pain from the delivery that I had difficulty even getting out of bed to pee. The Percoset and Motrin helped a bit with the pain but it can only help for so long. We were both cranky, on top of the fact that Brayden was frustrated because all he was being fed was colostrum, so we were ALL cranky! I was so tired that at one point, i thought, "OMG, I don't know if I can be a mother, how the hell can i do this??" There came a point when I called the nurse and asked her to take Brayden to the nursery for the rest of the night, give him some formula to satisfy him (I cracked, I know, but I needed to keep my sanity!).I still felt so guilty, thinking to myself, "Geez, I can't even take care of my own son."
The next night was much better because we decided it was best to keep him in the nursery all night while we both got some sleep (I sent Jason home, haha!). I think that was the best thing we could have done for all involved. I have not gotten a straight 7 hours sleep since, ha! This is my advice to new mothers---Do NOT room in with your children on the first night, take advantage of the help while it's there!
We had an overall wonderful experience at Virtua! I was really happy with our doctor, anethesiologist ( a GOD!), my cool student nurse guy, lactation consultants, and nurses. There were a couple nurses that I really bonded with and dreaded when they were done their shift. It's amazing how your modesty really goes out the window after you have a baby. Not only while giving birth but with everything you need AFTERwards. I won't go into the details, unless you want them (hee hee) but WOW, no one prepared me for what comes afterwards!! It would have been nice to know what to expect.
We brought Brayden home on 2.27.09 and what a beautiful day it was! The sun was shining and it was in the 60's, a surprise for February! We had him dressed in his Flyer's outfit which was pretty big on him, but still looked cute. When we walked in the door to our house, it was like, "Ok, now what?" It was just the beginning of our many adventures we would experience as parents...the pee shooting everywhere, the projectile poo and spit-up and the sleepless nights. But overall, it has been wonderful. This blog is way too long to talk about our adventures in the last 8 weeks, so I will have to start another just so Brayden has some record of what his first weeks of life were like in the eyes of his parents. Thank you all for being there to read this and for all your support in the last 2 months. We are so grateful :)
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
2 days shy of 39 weeks!
So a few weeks have passed since I last wrote. I figure since I am STILL pregnant, i better get to it before D-day officially arrives...Just some thoughts on how I am feeling now...Hmmm, anxious, nervous, excited, feeling as if there are things that still need to be "done," a bit frustrated due to the pain...ya know!
Each appt this month has been pretty much routine. However, last Thursday at 5am, I woke up in doubled over pain (lower abdomen). I hobbled to the bathroom, thinking I just waited to long to pee and the pain would not stop. I was also experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions at this time and they were constant! Once the tears started coming, I woke up Jason who sat right up in a panic! We decided it was best to call the doctor, especially since i had some diareah the night before (sorry, TMI). When the doctor called me back (Dr. Mackey--love her) she informed me that it sounds like I am in early labor but also told me it could be awhile. I thought, "OMG--this is IT!!" She told me to take a shower, eat and relax. OK...but early labor, doesn't that mean the real deal is near? When i got off the phone with her, I opened up my "What to Expect..." book and read that "early labor could last hours, days, or weeks." OH FABULOUS!!!! Meanwhile, Jason is running around packing a bag for himself---just in case...
SO...i showered and all that jazz and Jason got the video camera out and we did some taping, thinking that February 9th was going to be Brayden's possible birthday. Funny stuff!! Around 9AM, I called the doctor's office again because the contractions were still giving me issues and since at the time, I was not counting them correctly, I thought they were 2-3 minutes apart! OOPS! When i spoke to the nurse, she told me that she didn't think i was in labor because "I was still talking." Great! But they still wanted me to come in and check me out...I was convinced I was like 4-5 cm or even more dilated! HA! We had everything packed in the car IN CASE they sent us over to the hospital...We saw a nurse practitioner, Joan, who was very thorough. My bp when I first got there was a bit high, 134/90 but it was because I was in the middle of a contraction. She listened to our concerns and then checked me...I was still 1 cm dilated!!! AHHH!! I wanted to cry, are you kidding me? So, she told me that I may be a bit dehydrated,to drink a lot of water. We went home, i rested, drank water all day, and felt like crap. BUT the contractions died out...I even felt better enough at the end of the day to go out to dinner with Jason (just in case we didn't make Valentine's Day). We had an AWESOME meal at Bonefish Grill (highly recommend the place!!!).
Since then, I have been trying every which way to get him out! You name it--Mexican food, sex and walking! I am taking more suggestions!!!
At my 38 week appt this past week, I totally lost it! I told Barbara, "I just want him out" as I bawled! My bp was 128/90, but prob elevated due to my anxiety. She explained that everything I am experiencing at this time is normal...I told her how I am experiencing the pelvic/rectal pressure, no sleep and of course, the anxiety! Yup--normal! I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful husband because he has been my rock. I am so thankful to have married the right man! Thank you, baby, for everything! I cannot wait to see him hold our little miracle that we created!
Since Tuesday, my mood has been better, I think i got it all out, for now! ha! Now, I have just been doing last minute things like finishing up the nursery (little odds and ends), I successfully put together the swing today (yay me!), made a pregnancy scrapbook that I am super proud of, put my baby shower pics in an album, wrote in Brayden's baby book, wrote out the Thank you notes from my baby shower, have been cleaning and doing laundry and the list goes on! Jason has done an awesome job of putting things together for baby, as well(yay for the Pack & Play!). He put the car seat base in my Santa fe, so we drive around with the car seat already in the car, practicing :) And all of our stuff is in the vehicle---ready to go!!
I am a bit nervous about the whole labor process and delivering the little guy (or big boy!). But I know that all the pain will be worth it in the end, we cannot wait! I see the anticipation in Jason's eyes when we talk about the upcoming arrival! He is going to be such a wonderful father! I just wish my dad was here...But he has been a wonderful guardian angel so far, Brayden is a lucky little boy! Miss you daddy!
Think that is about all for now...don't know how long Brayden will be hanging out in the womb, but I have given up on thinking each day is THE day! He will come when he comes, I just cannot wait till the day arrives, whether it is in 9 days---OR LESS :)
Each appt this month has been pretty much routine. However, last Thursday at 5am, I woke up in doubled over pain (lower abdomen). I hobbled to the bathroom, thinking I just waited to long to pee and the pain would not stop. I was also experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions at this time and they were constant! Once the tears started coming, I woke up Jason who sat right up in a panic! We decided it was best to call the doctor, especially since i had some diareah the night before (sorry, TMI). When the doctor called me back (Dr. Mackey--love her) she informed me that it sounds like I am in early labor but also told me it could be awhile. I thought, "OMG--this is IT!!" She told me to take a shower, eat and relax. OK...but early labor, doesn't that mean the real deal is near? When i got off the phone with her, I opened up my "What to Expect..." book and read that "early labor could last hours, days, or weeks." OH FABULOUS!!!! Meanwhile, Jason is running around packing a bag for himself---just in case...
SO...i showered and all that jazz and Jason got the video camera out and we did some taping, thinking that February 9th was going to be Brayden's possible birthday. Funny stuff!! Around 9AM, I called the doctor's office again because the contractions were still giving me issues and since at the time, I was not counting them correctly, I thought they were 2-3 minutes apart! OOPS! When i spoke to the nurse, she told me that she didn't think i was in labor because "I was still talking." Great! But they still wanted me to come in and check me out...I was convinced I was like 4-5 cm or even more dilated! HA! We had everything packed in the car IN CASE they sent us over to the hospital...We saw a nurse practitioner, Joan, who was very thorough. My bp when I first got there was a bit high, 134/90 but it was because I was in the middle of a contraction. She listened to our concerns and then checked me...I was still 1 cm dilated!!! AHHH!! I wanted to cry, are you kidding me? So, she told me that I may be a bit dehydrated,to drink a lot of water. We went home, i rested, drank water all day, and felt like crap. BUT the contractions died out...I even felt better enough at the end of the day to go out to dinner with Jason (just in case we didn't make Valentine's Day). We had an AWESOME meal at Bonefish Grill (highly recommend the place!!!).
Since then, I have been trying every which way to get him out! You name it--Mexican food, sex and walking! I am taking more suggestions!!!
At my 38 week appt this past week, I totally lost it! I told Barbara, "I just want him out" as I bawled! My bp was 128/90, but prob elevated due to my anxiety. She explained that everything I am experiencing at this time is normal...I told her how I am experiencing the pelvic/rectal pressure, no sleep and of course, the anxiety! Yup--normal! I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful husband because he has been my rock. I am so thankful to have married the right man! Thank you, baby, for everything! I cannot wait to see him hold our little miracle that we created!
Since Tuesday, my mood has been better, I think i got it all out, for now! ha! Now, I have just been doing last minute things like finishing up the nursery (little odds and ends), I successfully put together the swing today (yay me!), made a pregnancy scrapbook that I am super proud of, put my baby shower pics in an album, wrote in Brayden's baby book, wrote out the Thank you notes from my baby shower, have been cleaning and doing laundry and the list goes on! Jason has done an awesome job of putting things together for baby, as well(yay for the Pack & Play!). He put the car seat base in my Santa fe, so we drive around with the car seat already in the car, practicing :) And all of our stuff is in the vehicle---ready to go!!
I am a bit nervous about the whole labor process and delivering the little guy (or big boy!). But I know that all the pain will be worth it in the end, we cannot wait! I see the anticipation in Jason's eyes when we talk about the upcoming arrival! He is going to be such a wonderful father! I just wish my dad was here...But he has been a wonderful guardian angel so far, Brayden is a lucky little boy! Miss you daddy!
Think that is about all for now...don't know how long Brayden will be hanging out in the womb, but I have given up on thinking each day is THE day! He will come when he comes, I just cannot wait till the day arrives, whether it is in 9 days---OR LESS :)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
36 weeks!!!
hello all!
just an update! Went to the 36 week appt tonight and Dr. Colella was our doc, we really like him! He checked me and I am about 1 cm dilated! Exciting and sad at the same time...was pulling for 2! But hey, I still technically have 3 1/2 weeks left till my due date (Feb 22nd). My bp was 120/80, belly measured 36 cm, and I have officially gained 30 pounds!!!!
My shower was on January 10th and was wonderful! The weather was crappy so I unfort didn't have my stepmom and sisters there, but I know they were there in spirit. I would rather them be here when Brayden arrives into the world more than anything!! We got A LOT of stuff which i have been slowly but surely putting things away, washing up the clothes and blankets and such. I have been "pseudo" nesting, but haven't been in full blown nesting mode yet, so apparently the end is not too close (from what i read, haha).
My maternity leave officially began yesterday. In a weird way, i miss work, i know, what the hell is wrong with me? But its the people I work with and the kids that i miss! Although, I have been still doing some work at home to email to my bosses for the teacher who is taking over for me. I like to have all my strings tied!!!
Jason has been nothing short of wonderful through all of this. I think he is starting to get a little anxious, but we both are...I mean, we have no idea when I am going to go into labor, so its totally understandable! We just want to be as prepared as possible. He is going to put together the pack and play, already have the stroller put together, and tomorrow---gotta put the base in my Santa Fe for the infant car seat! I want to finish packing my bag (as much as possible anyway) tomorrow and get some other things done in the nursery....Did we mention that we bought a glider with two arm rests?? Yea, so I am in touch with the woman from Buy Buy Baby about that. She is really nice and is in touch with her vendor to get us our LEFT arm rest! ha! crazy things!!!
Other than all this, I have been sleeping like crap, think I have to start sleeping in the lazyboy! My back is killing me---i get sharp pains in my sciatica and also on the right side of my back periodically. The ligament pain still sucks and the pressure in my pelvis is just fabulous!!! He hasn't dropped yet at this point so I still have breathing issues...
The cutest thing that has happened in the past couple of weeks is when the little guy gets the hiccups...they are actually practice breaths! I felt so bad that he was getting them till i read up on it. It is actually a normal process, phew!!! It's also so amazing when he kicks and moves around anymore---there isn't much room in this womb of mine so you see body parts go by...craziness!! But, I have to remember that these are the moments that I will miss. I know I want this pregnancy to be over with all the uncomfort, but i also realize that moments like this are very precious!!
Think that is about it....will update more as things happen!
just an update! Went to the 36 week appt tonight and Dr. Colella was our doc, we really like him! He checked me and I am about 1 cm dilated! Exciting and sad at the same time...was pulling for 2! But hey, I still technically have 3 1/2 weeks left till my due date (Feb 22nd). My bp was 120/80, belly measured 36 cm, and I have officially gained 30 pounds!!!!
My shower was on January 10th and was wonderful! The weather was crappy so I unfort didn't have my stepmom and sisters there, but I know they were there in spirit. I would rather them be here when Brayden arrives into the world more than anything!! We got A LOT of stuff which i have been slowly but surely putting things away, washing up the clothes and blankets and such. I have been "pseudo" nesting, but haven't been in full blown nesting mode yet, so apparently the end is not too close (from what i read, haha).
My maternity leave officially began yesterday. In a weird way, i miss work, i know, what the hell is wrong with me? But its the people I work with and the kids that i miss! Although, I have been still doing some work at home to email to my bosses for the teacher who is taking over for me. I like to have all my strings tied!!!
Jason has been nothing short of wonderful through all of this. I think he is starting to get a little anxious, but we both are...I mean, we have no idea when I am going to go into labor, so its totally understandable! We just want to be as prepared as possible. He is going to put together the pack and play, already have the stroller put together, and tomorrow---gotta put the base in my Santa Fe for the infant car seat! I want to finish packing my bag (as much as possible anyway) tomorrow and get some other things done in the nursery....Did we mention that we bought a glider with two arm rests?? Yea, so I am in touch with the woman from Buy Buy Baby about that. She is really nice and is in touch with her vendor to get us our LEFT arm rest! ha! crazy things!!!
Other than all this, I have been sleeping like crap, think I have to start sleeping in the lazyboy! My back is killing me---i get sharp pains in my sciatica and also on the right side of my back periodically. The ligament pain still sucks and the pressure in my pelvis is just fabulous!!! He hasn't dropped yet at this point so I still have breathing issues...
The cutest thing that has happened in the past couple of weeks is when the little guy gets the hiccups...they are actually practice breaths! I felt so bad that he was getting them till i read up on it. It is actually a normal process, phew!!! It's also so amazing when he kicks and moves around anymore---there isn't much room in this womb of mine so you see body parts go by...craziness!! But, I have to remember that these are the moments that I will miss. I know I want this pregnancy to be over with all the uncomfort, but i also realize that moments like this are very precious!!
Think that is about it....will update more as things happen!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
7 weeks or less!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On Sunday, I will be at the 33 week mark---things are really starting to fly now which is freaking us both out a bit, i think!! We have a lot done but i keep thinking about all the OTHER stuff that still needs to be done. The nursery is getting there...we have the furniture, just waiting on the hutch. Today, we are going to hang his letters on the wall and a few other things. I already washed up all his clothes and put them away. I haven't had my shower yet but i have an inkling feeling it is going to happen soon :) We are still looking for a glider, so if anyone has some advice on a good one, PLEASE let me know...am trying to get a glider and an ottoman in the $300 range or so.
We had our 32 week appt on Tuesday with Dr. Colella. Since I know he delivered Holly's baby and my friend Amy had a good relationship with him, I really wanted to try him out. We really liked him, Jason just thought he was a little jokey and wondered if that would drive me crazy when i am in labor. Input anyone? So far our favorites have been Dr. Mackey, Dr. Dombo and Dr. Colella.
Stats: my bp was 108/64...weight is still good, gained a total of 24lbs so far. Hoping to max at 30, keeping my fingers crossed, we will see!! The doc felt the little guy's positioning and he is still head down. I have been feeling him poking his feet on the left side of my ribs lately, a little bugger! He is still really active, especially at night before bed, he lets me know when im hungry and of course when eating.
We went to a baby basics class on 12/6 which was informative and i think we are going to go with the pediatrician who did the talk :) On 12/13---we had the hospital tour which was eye opening! WOW---to think I will be giving birth soon---it just blows my mind...Also that day we had the 3D ultrasound, which was AMAZING!!! Brayden totally has mommy's lips and daddy's nose---so cute! He was very cooperative and kept his hands away from his face so we could see him. The funniest part was our first image of him---he had his hand down by his boys!! Hey, boys will be boys! For Christmas, we had a friend of ours make copies of the Dvd's so we can give them to our parents/grandparents. They were all truly surprised and happy to see the little guy again :)
How have I been feeling?? That seems to be a common question I hear all the time...I am slowing down a bit but trying to work through it bc there is so much to do. Last night, NYE, we were supposed to go over our neighbors house to hang with them. Unfort, we never made it there, i felt crappy, run-down and sleepy. I pretty much was falling asleep on the couch at 9pm off and on, i know, REAL sad!!! My hubby was a trooper and I gave him that opportunity to still go over there, i felt really bad to hold him up if he wanted to hang---but he was I think just as tired. We headed to bed around 10:30 and slept almost 12 hours---trying to get that sleep now!!!
I had to take my rings off last week, starting to get sausage fingers! My feet are usually a bit puffy by the end of the night but not overly swollen. OH! And i failed my 1 hour glucose test at the 28 week appt so i had to take the dreaded 3 hour test...I was REALLY hoping to pass as the holidays are not so fun without an ounce of sugar!!! I only failed the one hour by a small margin, my sugar was 133 and the cut-off was 129 .Thankfully i passed the 3 hour "with flying colors" as the doc described it :) I am still trying to watch some of the foods i am eating, like, i am not eating a bagel a day like i was---opps!
WOW, it's really been awhile since i last updated things...Oh, this Saturday, a friend from high school, Heather is coming over to take belly pics of me. She has her own photography business---you should check out her website!
I think that is about all for now! Jason and I are looking forward to meeting this guy in less than 2 months! I will continue to post belly pics as we take them :)
Hope everyone has a Happy and Healthy 2009 :)
We had our 32 week appt on Tuesday with Dr. Colella. Since I know he delivered Holly's baby and my friend Amy had a good relationship with him, I really wanted to try him out. We really liked him, Jason just thought he was a little jokey and wondered if that would drive me crazy when i am in labor. Input anyone? So far our favorites have been Dr. Mackey, Dr. Dombo and Dr. Colella.
Stats: my bp was 108/64...weight is still good, gained a total of 24lbs so far. Hoping to max at 30, keeping my fingers crossed, we will see!! The doc felt the little guy's positioning and he is still head down. I have been feeling him poking his feet on the left side of my ribs lately, a little bugger! He is still really active, especially at night before bed, he lets me know when im hungry and of course when eating.
We went to a baby basics class on 12/6 which was informative and i think we are going to go with the pediatrician who did the talk :) On 12/13---we had the hospital tour which was eye opening! WOW---to think I will be giving birth soon---it just blows my mind...Also that day we had the 3D ultrasound, which was AMAZING!!! Brayden totally has mommy's lips and daddy's nose---so cute! He was very cooperative and kept his hands away from his face so we could see him. The funniest part was our first image of him---he had his hand down by his boys!! Hey, boys will be boys! For Christmas, we had a friend of ours make copies of the Dvd's so we can give them to our parents/grandparents. They were all truly surprised and happy to see the little guy again :)
How have I been feeling?? That seems to be a common question I hear all the time...I am slowing down a bit but trying to work through it bc there is so much to do. Last night, NYE, we were supposed to go over our neighbors house to hang with them. Unfort, we never made it there, i felt crappy, run-down and sleepy. I pretty much was falling asleep on the couch at 9pm off and on, i know, REAL sad!!! My hubby was a trooper and I gave him that opportunity to still go over there, i felt really bad to hold him up if he wanted to hang---but he was I think just as tired. We headed to bed around 10:30 and slept almost 12 hours---trying to get that sleep now!!!
I had to take my rings off last week, starting to get sausage fingers! My feet are usually a bit puffy by the end of the night but not overly swollen. OH! And i failed my 1 hour glucose test at the 28 week appt so i had to take the dreaded 3 hour test...I was REALLY hoping to pass as the holidays are not so fun without an ounce of sugar!!! I only failed the one hour by a small margin, my sugar was 133 and the cut-off was 129 .Thankfully i passed the 3 hour "with flying colors" as the doc described it :) I am still trying to watch some of the foods i am eating, like, i am not eating a bagel a day like i was---opps!
WOW, it's really been awhile since i last updated things...Oh, this Saturday, a friend from high school, Heather is coming over to take belly pics of me. She has her own photography business---you should check out her website!
I think that is about all for now! Jason and I are looking forward to meeting this guy in less than 2 months! I will continue to post belly pics as we take them :)
Hope everyone has a Happy and Healthy 2009 :)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Baby update
Hello all!
Hope you all got out to vote today---a very important election!
I had my 24 week appt tonight and all is still going well, which is good to know!
My BP was 106/72....weight (im not shy) is 140! I have to admit, i have never seen 140 in my life but i am totally fine with it at this present time...This puts me at a weight gain of 14 lbs (started at 126). I am right on target :) Also! My belly grew 5 cm since my last appt a month ago---we are up to 25 cm, which is muy fabuloso!!!! I just can't believe how big my belly is getting and just how much MORE it needs to grow....still steering clear of the stretch marks, but have a feeling they will be making their mark (no pun intended) at some point!!!
The little guy has been moving around A LOT! His heartbeat was swishing away tonight--music to our ears!! He seems to love when i eat---we already have a lot in common---love food, haha!!
Unfortunately, I have been on a HUGE chocolate kick...trying to stear clear, but hell, Halloween was just last week!!! The doc is really happy with my weight, but warns that I still need to be careful of gestational diabetes (I think i am at a higher risk since I have PCOS). Although I was already tested once, I get tested again at my next appt at 28 weeks....keep your fingers crossed we are in the clear!!!! Until then, I promised little Brayden I would watch my chocolate intake (sniff--sniff).
I made sure to mention to Dr. Dombo tonight that we will be flying this THursday to go to California for my sisters wedding. Thank God the cut-off for flying isn't until 36 weeks! Cannot wait to see my sister, Danielle get married this weekend to the love of her life!!! So happy for both her and Dan (aka MFDC).
As for other things going on in my life, it has still been hard missing my dad. I know it is going to take time for all of us. It's almost been 6 weeks and I still find it hard to believe that he is gone...I am dreaming about him constantly. At times, I fall apart to Jason. I think about today, Election day...He wanted so badly to "walk in and vote." It was another one of his short-term goals he set for himself. I just feel bad that he was not able to do that...anyway, I know this kind of stuff takes time, I just have to let it take its course...I just feel lucky knowing that my dad is watching down on us and our little one to make it through the next 15 weeks or so!
AHhhh...15 weeks?? so much to do!!! We are going with the chocolate brown and blue theme in the nursery and have already registered at babies r us...Jason and i have looked at one crib set and are going to check out another store next week...I have been reading up on ratings of cribs and such...there is just SOO SOO SOO much to think about and BUY!!! I know i am being TOTALLY random but i have about 5,000,000 things on my mind right now!!!
ok...off to do more packing for Cali!
Stay tuned!
Hope you all got out to vote today---a very important election!
I had my 24 week appt tonight and all is still going well, which is good to know!
My BP was 106/72....weight (im not shy) is 140! I have to admit, i have never seen 140 in my life but i am totally fine with it at this present time...This puts me at a weight gain of 14 lbs (started at 126). I am right on target :) Also! My belly grew 5 cm since my last appt a month ago---we are up to 25 cm, which is muy fabuloso!!!! I just can't believe how big my belly is getting and just how much MORE it needs to grow....still steering clear of the stretch marks, but have a feeling they will be making their mark (no pun intended) at some point!!!
The little guy has been moving around A LOT! His heartbeat was swishing away tonight--music to our ears!! He seems to love when i eat---we already have a lot in common---love food, haha!!
Unfortunately, I have been on a HUGE chocolate kick...trying to stear clear, but hell, Halloween was just last week!!! The doc is really happy with my weight, but warns that I still need to be careful of gestational diabetes (I think i am at a higher risk since I have PCOS). Although I was already tested once, I get tested again at my next appt at 28 weeks....keep your fingers crossed we are in the clear!!!! Until then, I promised little Brayden I would watch my chocolate intake (sniff--sniff).
I made sure to mention to Dr. Dombo tonight that we will be flying this THursday to go to California for my sisters wedding. Thank God the cut-off for flying isn't until 36 weeks! Cannot wait to see my sister, Danielle get married this weekend to the love of her life!!! So happy for both her and Dan (aka MFDC).
As for other things going on in my life, it has still been hard missing my dad. I know it is going to take time for all of us. It's almost been 6 weeks and I still find it hard to believe that he is gone...I am dreaming about him constantly. At times, I fall apart to Jason. I think about today, Election day...He wanted so badly to "walk in and vote." It was another one of his short-term goals he set for himself. I just feel bad that he was not able to do that...anyway, I know this kind of stuff takes time, I just have to let it take its course...I just feel lucky knowing that my dad is watching down on us and our little one to make it through the next 15 weeks or so!
AHhhh...15 weeks?? so much to do!!! We are going with the chocolate brown and blue theme in the nursery and have already registered at babies r us...Jason and i have looked at one crib set and are going to check out another store next week...I have been reading up on ratings of cribs and such...there is just SOO SOO SOO much to think about and BUY!!! I know i am being TOTALLY random but i have about 5,000,000 things on my mind right now!!!
ok...off to do more packing for Cali!
Stay tuned!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Dear Daddy...a farewell
Dear Daddy...
In writing my dad's eulogy, there was so much to write, yet i kept losing my focus, this is everything I came up with in my mixed up brain the night before the viewing. There was just so much more to say, but I guess there is always more to say...
Dad's Eulogy
By: Cindy Pedersen
Where to begin? Dad was not the cuddly dad that I once wished him to be. But there comes a time when you have to just accept people for who they are. The months following his diagnosis, Dad really became in touch with his emotions, he really let us all in in a way that he never had before. I am thankful that we were able to see that side of him. He was always a bit of a tough guy, but I knew deep inside there was something more. During a conversation in August he said to me, " I love you and I have always loved you, I want you to know that." Those words were so genuinely put that it made a lasting impression on my heart knowing that this "tough guy" was really opening up to me.
Some of his famous quotes I remember…As a kid I always remember him saying, "Ya done good" when praising for a job well done…During our birthdays, the question was always, "So, how does it feel to be…?" You could always count him asking you the SAME question year after year.
I was always the emotional child. I would cry at the drop of a hat, not much has changed. When going to see Beauty & the Beast in the movie theater, I cried when the beast died. Dad was sitting next to me and took my hand and told me, "It's going to be ok." I keep trying to tell myself that now, that we are going to be ok. I know Dad is and always will be watching over us. Every phone call I had with him in the past 2 months involved, "How's the baby? How's mama? I am going to try and make it to February, but if I don't, know that I will be watching over that baby." No one knew for sure if dad would make it to February, but I am confident that everything will be ok with dad as our guardian angel.
Dad taught me many things starting from age 2 ½ years old when I learned to shoot a gun, with assistance of course. I learned to ski, fish, play mini golf, which to this day I have fierce battles with my husband. But of all the things dad has taught me, the most valuable is to take care of your family. When sitting down with all of us after he found out he was sick, he emphasized how important it was to him that we all stick together as a family. I want all of the family to look around today and make a promise to themselves that we will all stick together as a family.
I spent most of dad's last week with him. It meant so much to be there. He was surrounded by his wife, mother, children and our significant others and his grandchildren. Last Wednesday was when dad requested his kids and ma to come up. I was so afraid we wouldn't get there in time. He was able to say his goodbyes, which was a very emotional time for all of us. Vikki told him that he took care of everything for us and that we are going to be ok, that it was time for him to let go. But he couldn't. He went in his own time. I think I speak for my whole family when I say that we are saddened to see him go, but thankful that he is no longer suffering in pain. We made a promise to dad; we are sticking together as a family no matter what.
I love you daddy. You will be missed. <3
In writing my dad's eulogy, there was so much to write, yet i kept losing my focus, this is everything I came up with in my mixed up brain the night before the viewing. There was just so much more to say, but I guess there is always more to say...
Dad's Eulogy
By: Cindy Pedersen
Where to begin? Dad was not the cuddly dad that I once wished him to be. But there comes a time when you have to just accept people for who they are. The months following his diagnosis, Dad really became in touch with his emotions, he really let us all in in a way that he never had before. I am thankful that we were able to see that side of him. He was always a bit of a tough guy, but I knew deep inside there was something more. During a conversation in August he said to me, " I love you and I have always loved you, I want you to know that." Those words were so genuinely put that it made a lasting impression on my heart knowing that this "tough guy" was really opening up to me.
Some of his famous quotes I remember…As a kid I always remember him saying, "Ya done good" when praising for a job well done…During our birthdays, the question was always, "So, how does it feel to be…?" You could always count him asking you the SAME question year after year.
I was always the emotional child. I would cry at the drop of a hat, not much has changed. When going to see Beauty & the Beast in the movie theater, I cried when the beast died. Dad was sitting next to me and took my hand and told me, "It's going to be ok." I keep trying to tell myself that now, that we are going to be ok. I know Dad is and always will be watching over us. Every phone call I had with him in the past 2 months involved, "How's the baby? How's mama? I am going to try and make it to February, but if I don't, know that I will be watching over that baby." No one knew for sure if dad would make it to February, but I am confident that everything will be ok with dad as our guardian angel.
Dad taught me many things starting from age 2 ½ years old when I learned to shoot a gun, with assistance of course. I learned to ski, fish, play mini golf, which to this day I have fierce battles with my husband. But of all the things dad has taught me, the most valuable is to take care of your family. When sitting down with all of us after he found out he was sick, he emphasized how important it was to him that we all stick together as a family. I want all of the family to look around today and make a promise to themselves that we will all stick together as a family.
I spent most of dad's last week with him. It meant so much to be there. He was surrounded by his wife, mother, children and our significant others and his grandchildren. Last Wednesday was when dad requested his kids and ma to come up. I was so afraid we wouldn't get there in time. He was able to say his goodbyes, which was a very emotional time for all of us. Vikki told him that he took care of everything for us and that we are going to be ok, that it was time for him to let go. But he couldn't. He went in his own time. I think I speak for my whole family when I say that we are saddened to see him go, but thankful that he is no longer suffering in pain. We made a promise to dad; we are sticking together as a family no matter what.
I love you daddy. You will be missed. <3
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Bittersweet moments
Good news and bad news....
The good news is all is going well with the pregnancy for the most part! I am 14 weeks +2 days and really starting to pop! Went for my appt the other day and found out i actually LOST 5 lbs---funny, i thought i gained it! Dr. Cortese said not to worry, have plenty of months to gain the weight! yay! The heartbeat was very strong, heard it on the Doppler. Will be getting an ultrasound at 20 weeks--cannot wait--hoping baby will cooperate so we can find out the sex! I predict boy, Jason says girl! I have been having some breathing problems with my asthma, been to the allergist and he told me I wasn't breathing at full capacity (that explains why i run out of breath from the car to the house!). I am at 80% and should be at 90-100%---does he mean my pulse ox??? So despite my "i am not taking ANY drugs during this pregnancy thing"--well that went out the window, on Pulmicort at night, dammit! But like the doc says, if I am not breathing, baby is not breathing...other than that, all day nausea stopped around 8 1/2 weeks--but i still bring up a meal every once in awhile---the gagging takes over and there is no stopping it! yuk! I am still a little tired--when is that energy supposed to kick in??
On another note, the bad note...my dad was just recently diagnosed with Lung cancer. The prognosis is not good, at first they were giving him 6mo-1 year with treatment and now in a month's time, he has gone downhill. We reconciled last month after not speaking for a year and I am so thankful for that. My family and I are really devastated over this news. He could have weeks to maybe months left and it is just a lot to take in. My Nana is devastated, my dad is her only son and she feels that she is just living too long. I am just asking for prayers from all of you!
I was up to visit with him yesterday and also got to spend some quality time with my sisters which was great. When sitting with my dad, he held my hand and said, "Take really good care of that baby....I love you, I have always loved you, I just want you to know that." It was all I needed to hear, although we had some differences, I never stopped loving him either. My dad was never one to talk about emotions or even show emotion, now at this stage in his life, he is very emotional and telling us all he wants us to know, which I am so thankful for. I am also thankful he had so many kids so we can all be there for one another through this time. My dad's birthday is Sept 18th--really hoping he can make his birthday so we can all spend that quality time with him. He said he is really going to try.
Just asking for prayers for our family! Cancer is such a shitty disease, as many of you know who have lost close family member and friends...why is it taking so long to find a cure?
The good news is all is going well with the pregnancy for the most part! I am 14 weeks +2 days and really starting to pop! Went for my appt the other day and found out i actually LOST 5 lbs---funny, i thought i gained it! Dr. Cortese said not to worry, have plenty of months to gain the weight! yay! The heartbeat was very strong, heard it on the Doppler. Will be getting an ultrasound at 20 weeks--cannot wait--hoping baby will cooperate so we can find out the sex! I predict boy, Jason says girl! I have been having some breathing problems with my asthma, been to the allergist and he told me I wasn't breathing at full capacity (that explains why i run out of breath from the car to the house!). I am at 80% and should be at 90-100%---does he mean my pulse ox??? So despite my "i am not taking ANY drugs during this pregnancy thing"--well that went out the window, on Pulmicort at night, dammit! But like the doc says, if I am not breathing, baby is not breathing...other than that, all day nausea stopped around 8 1/2 weeks--but i still bring up a meal every once in awhile---the gagging takes over and there is no stopping it! yuk! I am still a little tired--when is that energy supposed to kick in??
On another note, the bad note...my dad was just recently diagnosed with Lung cancer. The prognosis is not good, at first they were giving him 6mo-1 year with treatment and now in a month's time, he has gone downhill. We reconciled last month after not speaking for a year and I am so thankful for that. My family and I are really devastated over this news. He could have weeks to maybe months left and it is just a lot to take in. My Nana is devastated, my dad is her only son and she feels that she is just living too long. I am just asking for prayers from all of you!
I was up to visit with him yesterday and also got to spend some quality time with my sisters which was great. When sitting with my dad, he held my hand and said, "Take really good care of that baby....I love you, I have always loved you, I just want you to know that." It was all I needed to hear, although we had some differences, I never stopped loving him either. My dad was never one to talk about emotions or even show emotion, now at this stage in his life, he is very emotional and telling us all he wants us to know, which I am so thankful for. I am also thankful he had so many kids so we can all be there for one another through this time. My dad's birthday is Sept 18th--really hoping he can make his birthday so we can all spend that quality time with him. He said he is really going to try.
Just asking for prayers for our family! Cancer is such a shitty disease, as many of you know who have lost close family member and friends...why is it taking so long to find a cure?
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