Friday, February 13, 2009

2 days shy of 39 weeks!

So a few weeks have passed since I last wrote. I figure since I am STILL pregnant, i better get to it before D-day officially arrives...Just some thoughts on how I am feeling now...Hmmm, anxious, nervous, excited, feeling as if there are things that still need to be "done," a bit frustrated due to the pain...ya know!

Each appt this month has been pretty much routine. However, last Thursday at 5am, I woke up in doubled over pain (lower abdomen). I hobbled to the bathroom, thinking I just waited to long to pee and the pain would not stop. I was also experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions at this time and they were constant! Once the tears started coming, I woke up Jason who sat right up in a panic! We decided it was best to call the doctor, especially since i had some diareah the night before (sorry, TMI). When the doctor called me back (Dr. Mackey--love her) she informed me that it sounds like I am in early labor but also told me it could be awhile. I thought, "OMG--this is IT!!" She told me to take a shower, eat and relax. OK...but early labor, doesn't that mean the real deal is near? When i got off the phone with her, I opened up my "What to Expect..." book and read that "early labor could last hours, days, or weeks." OH FABULOUS!!!! Meanwhile, Jason is running around packing a bag for himself---just in case...

SO...i showered and all that jazz and Jason got the video camera out and we did some taping, thinking that February 9th was going to be Brayden's possible birthday. Funny stuff!! Around 9AM, I called the doctor's office again because the contractions were still giving me issues and since at the time, I was not counting them correctly, I thought they were 2-3 minutes apart! OOPS! When i spoke to the nurse, she told me that she didn't think i was in labor because "I was still talking." Great! But they still wanted me to come in and check me out...I was convinced I was like 4-5 cm or even more dilated! HA! We had everything packed in the car IN CASE they sent us over to the hospital...We saw a nurse practitioner, Joan, who was very thorough. My bp when I first got there was a bit high, 134/90 but it was because I was in the middle of a contraction. She listened to our concerns and then checked me...I was still 1 cm dilated!!! AHHH!! I wanted to cry, are you kidding me? So, she told me that I may be a bit dehydrated,to drink a lot of water. We went home, i rested, drank water all day, and felt like crap. BUT the contractions died out...I even felt better enough at the end of the day to go out to dinner with Jason (just in case we didn't make Valentine's Day). We had an AWESOME meal at Bonefish Grill (highly recommend the place!!!).

Since then, I have been trying every which way to get him out! You name it--Mexican food, sex and walking! I am taking more suggestions!!!

At my 38 week appt this past week, I totally lost it! I told Barbara, "I just want him out" as I bawled! My bp was 128/90, but prob elevated due to my anxiety. She explained that everything I am experiencing at this time is normal...I told her how I am experiencing the pelvic/rectal pressure, no sleep and of course, the anxiety! Yup--normal! I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful husband because he has been my rock. I am so thankful to have married the right man! Thank you, baby, for everything! I cannot wait to see him hold our little miracle that we created!

Since Tuesday, my mood has been better, I think i got it all out, for now! ha! Now, I have just been doing last minute things like finishing up the nursery (little odds and ends), I successfully put together the swing today (yay me!), made a pregnancy scrapbook that I am super proud of, put my baby shower pics in an album, wrote in Brayden's baby book, wrote out the Thank you notes from my baby shower, have been cleaning and doing laundry and the list goes on! Jason has done an awesome job of putting things together for baby, as well(yay for the Pack & Play!). He put the car seat base in my Santa fe, so we drive around with the car seat already in the car, practicing :) And all of our stuff is in the vehicle---ready to go!!

I am a bit nervous about the whole labor process and delivering the little guy (or big boy!). But I know that all the pain will be worth it in the end, we cannot wait! I see the anticipation in Jason's eyes when we talk about the upcoming arrival! He is going to be such a wonderful father! I just wish my dad was here...But he has been a wonderful guardian angel so far, Brayden is a lucky little boy! Miss you daddy!

Think that is about all for now...don't know how long Brayden will be hanging out in the womb, but I have given up on thinking each day is THE day! He will come when he comes, I just cannot wait till the day arrives, whether it is in 9 days---OR LESS :)


Cyndalie said...

Hey Cin,
I can totally remember what it's like to be in your shoes just a year ago. If you ever want to talk - about labor stuff, TMI stuff, have any questions about newborn stuff - feel anxious, alone, need any kind of support please drop me a line! I know we are barely acquaintances but you will soon realize that becoming a mom allows you to share a bond with other women. I hope we can become better friends. I'm thinking of you every day!
Good luck!

Rudaisygirl said...

awww thanks so much Cyn! I appreciate it! I just cannot wait to get him out, I really need my body back and have Brayden in my arms!