Thursday, May 29, 2008

Good news!

OK, so I don't want to get myself too psyched, but we got really good news today from the ultrasound. The doctor sounded really positive that things could truly happen this month! Last month my egg follicles only got as big as 14 mm with the 50 mg of Clomid...this month, on the first ultrasound---18mm with the 100 mg of Clmoid!!! They really like them to be around 20mm, which he estimated I may be ovulating on SUNDAY---guess what WE will be doing this weekend? haha! So now, we have to continue with the every other day routine (hehe) and I go in for bloodwork on June 9th to check my progesterone levels! Please pray for us!

I just feel a lot better about hearing this news. We have already said that if it doesn't happen next month then we will choose to go through with an insemiation, which means I would still take the Clomid, they would have to order me a shot to take and then inseminate me...think that's how it goes, have to do a little more research. But I really feel good about this month--especially since the doc was so impressed :) Have I mentioned how much I LOVE that my insurance covers these procedures?

On another note, J and I have started playing tennis--it's a bit of a workout which is good for me and my situation---haven't played since i was like, 12, so you can imagine how good I am at swinging the racket and hitting the ball! But it is a nice stress reliever for the both of us going through this fertility issue :)

Thank you all who have been so supportive through all this, it is really nice to see how many of you truly care about us :) I am really trying to keep my cool, still break down every once in awhile, but as some of you know who have or are going through this, it is frustrating...And as much as i want to just relax, that is really a hard thing to do....I am just trying to have faith and hope that we will soon be parents!!! Keep your fingers and toes crossed for us---thanks bunches!

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