Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Labor/Birth Story 2.25.09

Ok, so Brayden is officially 8 weeks old and I have not even blogged about the story of this birth. He is napping now (yay for naps!) so I am going to try and type what I can, while I can.

On February 24th, Jason & I went to our appt with Dr. Cortese at 6:15PM. It was a funny appt to say the least, but I won't go there right now! The doctor checked me and I FINALLY made some progress, 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced! I had been 1 cm dilated and the cervix was thick since 36 weeks, so hearing this news at 40 weeks +2days past my due date was fabulous! We made another appt for a non-stress test but even the doctor did not think that I would make the next appt.

I called all of my side of the family just to let them know the progress. My lil sister Becky was so funny, we were communicating by text and she was all about calling everybody to tell them i am in labor---I was like, WAIT, I'm not in labor! I spoke to my brother Wayne around 11pm that night and mind you, i was having Braxton Hicks contractions, but really, I had been having them for days so I didn't think that it was a real big deal...Jason and I went to bed, I couldn't sleep, the contractions seemed to be coming pretty often but they weren't overly painful so I just tried to sleep through it...

Around 1:15am, I got up and went downstairs to watch TV, couldn't sleep, was sooooo damn uncomfortable! Headed to the bathroom (mind you I was downstairs and J was upstairs, sleeping). All hell broke loose in the bathroom! I got sick in the trashcan and then i felt this liquid coming out of me (wasn't pee!)...the next thing i know, I went into the most PAINFUL contraction! I was trying to YELL for Jason while at the same time gripping onto the sink just trying to get through the pain. Needless to say, i survived! I cleaned myself up and went upstairs to wake up Jason. I said to him, "We have to start timing these contractions." This was after telling him that i think my water broke and what hell i just experienced downstairs...He was like, "uh, shouldn't we just GO!!?"

After experiencing the false labor at 37 1/2 weeks, wasn't sure if it was the real deal or not, even though this was so much more painful! J called the doc and I was able to talk before I went into another contraction. Dr. White was on-call. She told us to head over to the hospital...Well, this was not my plan. I wanted to at least put my make-up on! Uh, no. I got as far as brushing my teeth, mind you, my contractions were 3 minutes apart (was supposed to call at 5 min apart, must've been 5 min apart hours before, oooops!). So then we are getting ready to head to the hospital and I feel the need to feed Bubba--hey, don't know when we would be back, a turtle has GOT to eat! I then found myself gripping onto the couch where more amniotic fluid decided to let loose!! OK, now we have GOTS TO GO!!!

It was after 2 am by this point and for there to be NO traffic in Marlton, it has to be 2 AM!! I think my contractions were getting closer together by this point. I was having visions of giving birth by the side of the road with J as my doc! YIKES! Love ya hunny, but i enjoyed that epidural WAYYYYY too much!

We got to the ER at Virtua in Voorhees and for some reason I thought i could just walk right in and into the L&D without help. I told J to park the car, I know, what was I thinking??? When I walked in, they asked me if I needed help and I said I was ok. As I walked through the doors I realized what a LOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNg hallway there was before i even REACHED the elevator to get to L&D! I then went into another contraction and was gripping onto the hand rails, J met up with me at that point, because I didn't get far. I don't even remember the ride in the elevator, such a blur, was in so much pain! When we got up there, I was contracting around every corner it seemed. I had to check in, thank God they got my paperwork that we mailed in, all they needed was my insurance card and I was free! The nurses gave me instructions on putting the belly band on and checking to make sure my fluid was clear when i undressed. Thank God, it was!

The nurses were great! I was BEGGING for an epidural at this time, my contractions were about 2 min apart and just so damn painful. After experiencing this, I don't know how anyone can go natural, but boy, do i give them props---NO THANK YOU!!! I just remember them sticking me and telling me what they were doing, but hell, i did not care at this point--GIVE ME THE EPIDURAL!!! They told me that i have to wait about 15 minutes so they could hydrate me with the IV. I was gripping onto the sides of the bed trying to breathe through the contractions while the nurses kept telling me to try and relax my body bc it will only make it worse. Jason kept telling me I was doing a good job and I could tell he felt pretty helpless seeing me in this much pain. The Anethesiologist came in and asked me a bunch of questions, told him that i have scoliosis and asked if that is going to be a problem. He said it might make it more difficult---GREAT, i am going to feel every rip and tear, (i was thinking!). I didn't even feel the pain of the epidural going in because my contractions were about every minute at this point, I was gripping onto the nurse's scrub jacket, she was so sweet!!!

We arrived at the hospital around 2:30am, got checked close to 4am and I was 4 cm dilated, got checked again at 6am---I was 10 cm dilated and ready to push! Started pushing around 6:25 or so with the help of a male nursing student (so so sweet!) and my wonderful husband and a nurse named, Linda. Brayden was born at 7:28am! 6 total hours from start of labor to birth--a dream of an experience! I would wish this on every woman and especially my sister-in-law who is due in a little over 2 weeks, yay!!

I could not feel ANYTHING with the epidural which was good and bad! They turned it off at one point to see if I could at least feel myself pushing (which by the way, he was out by the time it was wearing off). I requested to have the mirror (yikes, not a pretty sight, but it really helped me with the progress of pushing). It was kind of entertaining because I really couldn't feel my legs and at one point, the nurse had to walk away and get something, totally forgetting that I had NO control and my leg just rolled off the table for a sec! HA!

I needed supplemental oxygen because the baby did not like the position of me being on my back, but once I laid on my side to push, his heart rate would go back to normal. We really thought that I was going to have to deliver on my side by the way he was responding. Jason was too funny, between pushes, he was texting sending updates to family and friends. We wanted to video the birth but since he was "needed" to hold my leg, it was not possible. But at this point, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way, he really helped bring his son into the world by helping me get through the birthing process! Pushing really wore me out, but I am thankful I only had to do it for an hour. I was so lucky to have a short labor for having my first baby!

There came a point when the nurse said, "OK, stop pushing, we have to page Dr. White." I saw her actually place two fingers on his head as if to stop him from coming out. WOW, he wanted OUT! When Dr. White came in, it was 3 pushes and Brayden came into the world. It was so surreal! Brayden was born at 7:28AM on February 25, 2009 (one day shy of my mother's birthday). Dr. White placed him on my chest and he was screaming. I was also hysterical! I started to talk to him and he opened his eyes,looked up at me and calmed down, such a miracle--he recognized my voice! I couldn't believe he was actually here, and...SO HUGE! I am glad I didn't feel his 8 pound body come out of me! Once he was out, I kept thinking, "ok, NOW what do we do??" It's funny how prepared you think you are and then it all goes out the window once the baby is here. Jason and I bonded with him after he was all cleaned up and I was able to start breastfeeding (as requested) within about a half hour or so... Wow, talk about painful. I can see why a lot of mother's give up so soon after the birth, but I really was determined to get through the pain and stick with it. It really does get easier with time (2 months later and still nursing-yay!).

We had some visitors (Mom Pedersen, Curt, Mom, Steve and Nana) and it was such a joy to share our son with them. When Nana was standing over me, I got emotional and said "I wish Dad was here to meet him" and she of course, felt the same way. I miss my Dad so much and find myself dreaming about him often. I know Brayden is safe with my Daddy as his guardian angel, he has done a wonderful job so far :)

With the family we were hanging out waiting to find out how much Brayden weighed (which was on a different floor). It seriously was about 2 hours before we found all this out! When they wheeled me in to the nursery, it still didn't seem real that I had just given birth to a very healthy baby boy, especially seeing a baby in there who was struggling a little bit. I felt so blessed. Brayden Joseph Pedersen weighed in at 8 pounds exactly and 20 1/4 inches long. Whew, glad I didn't go natural! I did have a 2nd degree tear which wasn't bad. Jason said it looked like the doctor was knitting a sweater by the way she was sewing me up (GREAT!!!) When they had to wheel us away so they could do all the testing and keep him under the warmer and such, I felt myself get a little emotional being pulled from him. But I knew I should try and catch up on some rest while I can. Well, that didn't happen. I think Jason and i had gotten about 2-3 hours sleep in 2 days, it was nuts. It was just the start of our sleep deprived life.

Our first night at the hospital was complete hell. Since I was determined to EXCLUSIVELY breast feed, we had the nurse bring the baby in for feedings and at one point we ended up having him rooming in with us for about 6-7 hours. It was a mess! Jason and I were already sleep deprived and it was hot as hell in the room. J couldn't get comfortable in the bed, so that kept me awake. Jason was changing all the diapers because I was in so much pain from the delivery that I had difficulty even getting out of bed to pee. The Percoset and Motrin helped a bit with the pain but it can only help for so long. We were both cranky, on top of the fact that Brayden was frustrated because all he was being fed was colostrum, so we were ALL cranky! I was so tired that at one point, i thought, "OMG, I don't know if I can be a mother, how the hell can i do this??" There came a point when I called the nurse and asked her to take Brayden to the nursery for the rest of the night, give him some formula to satisfy him (I cracked, I know, but I needed to keep my sanity!).I still felt so guilty, thinking to myself, "Geez, I can't even take care of my own son."

The next night was much better because we decided it was best to keep him in the nursery all night while we both got some sleep (I sent Jason home, haha!). I think that was the best thing we could have done for all involved. I have not gotten a straight 7 hours sleep since, ha! This is my advice to new mothers---Do NOT room in with your children on the first night, take advantage of the help while it's there!

We had an overall wonderful experience at Virtua! I was really happy with our doctor, anethesiologist ( a GOD!), my cool student nurse guy, lactation consultants, and nurses. There were a couple nurses that I really bonded with and dreaded when they were done their shift. It's amazing how your modesty really goes out the window after you have a baby. Not only while giving birth but with everything you need AFTERwards. I won't go into the details, unless you want them (hee hee) but WOW, no one prepared me for what comes afterwards!! It would have been nice to know what to expect.

We brought Brayden home on 2.27.09 and what a beautiful day it was! The sun was shining and it was in the 60's, a surprise for February! We had him dressed in his Flyer's outfit which was pretty big on him, but still looked cute. When we walked in the door to our house, it was like, "Ok, now what?" It was just the beginning of our many adventures we would experience as parents...the pee shooting everywhere, the projectile poo and spit-up and the sleepless nights. But overall, it has been wonderful. This blog is way too long to talk about our adventures in the last 8 weeks, so I will have to start another just so Brayden has some record of what his first weeks of life were like in the eyes of his parents. Thank you all for being there to read this and for all your support in the last 2 months. We are so grateful :)